As the Coronavirus Pandemic continues, we understand that it may be confusing for home movers and landlords, whether buying, selling or renting.
New measures are being introduced regularly, including the new three-tier system currently being rolled out in an attempt to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.
These measures are based on a system aimed at simplifying restrictions and to enable local lockdowns to be put in place depending on Coronavirus infections per region.
New advice released by the Government allows Alexander Russell Estate Agents to remain open and property viewings to take place. However, we encourage virtual viewings, and we have strict bookings, viewings and social distancing guidelines in place for physical viewings, along with the stringent requirement for PPE to be worn to minimise health risks and to ensure the safety of our clients and staff at all times.
At the time of writing, our area of Thanet is currently in Tier 1.
How do the three tiers apply to you if you are moving home?
Tier 1: Medium Alert
- Property viewings can continue as long as Covid-19 safety measures are in place, and there are no more than six people in a property at any one time.
- Safety measures include wearing face coverings, hand washing, opening doors and windows for adequate ventilation during viewings.
- Only two prospective buyers from the same household may enter the property at a time.
- Open house viewings are not allowed.
If any member of either the household being viewed or the household viewing, displays symptoms of Coronavirus or is self-isolating, then an in-person viewing should not go ahead.
Tier 2: High Alert
Tier Two rules are the same as Tier One, with the following additional rule:
- Those living in Tier two areas must not meet with anybody outside of their household or support bubble in any indoor setting, including their home or in a public location.
It’s important to note that in-person property viewings can still go ahead, with the appropriate precautions in place.
Tier 3: Very High Alert
Tier Three is for areas where the transmission rates of Covid-19 are very concerning.
- People living in these areas are not allowed to meet anybody outside their household or support bubble in an indoor or outdoor setting, apart from open public spaces, where the rule of six will still apply.
- Travel in and out of these areas is not advised, other than for work, education, youth services or caring responsibilities.
Government guidelines have not banned property viewings in Tier Three regions. However, we completely understand and fully support any home buyers who may choose not to view properties and vendors who may choose not to allow physical viewings while restrictions are in place.
Here at Alexander Russell Estate Agents we have virtual viewing tours available for all of our properties. We will be strictly adhering to all Government guidelines relevant to Thanet and the safety of our clients and staff is paramount. This means that you can still place your property on the market or for sale with us and look for properties you want to move to.
Viewings, Valuations, Inspections, Surveys and Removals
- If you are comfortable, we can visit your home to take photos, videos and prospective buyers can view your property.
- We will always adhere to social distancing measures, and we ask that you notify us and postpone any physical viewing appointments if anyone in your household are self-isolating or showing symptoms of Coronavirus.
- Tradespeople and surveyors can carry out inspections and surveys by appointment, and only one person will be in the property at a time where possible.
- No tradespeople will enter a property where a member of the household is showing signs of coronavirus symptoms or self-isolating.
- Removal firms can operate to Government guidelines.
As the Covid-19 situation continues to evolve, our foremost concern is to keep clients and staff safe.
Please talk to us on 01843 269188 or email mail@alexander-russell.co.uk if you have any questions or concerns about our operating practices.
We are here to help and support all our clients, and we hope you, your friends and family remain safe and healthy for the duration of COVID-19.
Thank you for your patience, support and understanding during this challenging time.
If you want to check the rules that apply in your area, you can use the Government’s postcode checker or check through the NHS Covid-19 app.
You can access the postcode checker here – it confirms the local authority of your address and clarifies that your “Local Covid Alert Level: Medium/High/Very High” as applicable.